1. A Health Worker (Female) is to cover a population of 3000 in tribal areas and 5000 in non-tribal areas. She will make a visit to each family once a fortnight according to fixed calendar of visit. She will carry out the following function.
2. She will register pregnant women three months of pregnancy onwards.
3. She will maintain a register enumerating all children 0-5 in her area by systematic house visits.
4. Categories the eligible couples according to the number of children and age of mothers.
1. She will provide care to pregnant women especially registered mothers through out the pregnancy.
2. To give advice on nutrition to expectant and nursing mothers and responsible for storage, preparation and distribution of food to the expectant and nursing mothers under supplementary feeding.
3. Distribute iron and folic acid tablets to pregnant and nursing mothers, children and family planning adopters and vitamin ‘A’ solution to children at twice a year from 6 months to 60 months of age.
4. Immunise pregnant mothers with tetanus toxoid. Immunise infants with DPT, Polio and measles as per Schedule.
5. Refer cases of abnormal/high risk pregnancy and cases with medical and gynecological problems to Primary Health Centre/Hospital.
6. Conduct deliveries as per the norms prescribed in her areas.
7. Supervise deliveries conducted by Dais and guide them replenish the stock of basic drugs and dressings to Dais.
8. Refer cases of difficult Labour and new born with abnormalities and help them to get institutional care and provide follow-up care to patient’s referral to or discharged form hospital.
9. Provide at least three post-delivery visits for each delivery cases and render advice regarding feeding of the newborn.
10. Spread the message of family planning to the couples. Motivate them for family planning individuals and in groups.
11. Distribute conventional contraceptives to the couples, provide facilities and help to prospective adaptors in getting family planning services, if necessary, by accompanying or arranging Dias to accompany them to hospital.
12. Provide follow-up services to family planning adaptors, identify side effects give treatment on the spot for side effects and minor complaints and refer these cased that need attention by physicians to the Primary Health Centre / Hospital.
13. Assess the growth and development of the infant and child by taking birth weight of the new born and monthly weight of children up to 5 years of age and maintain these in the “Health Cards”.
14. Do DPT and Polio and measles immunization to all the new born infants in her area up to one year of age or till the Primary immunizations are completed and assist the Health Supervisors (Female) in the immunisation programme and in carrying out campaign approach activities. She will administer vitamin ‘A’ concentrate to all the children upto one year.
15. She will ensure effective sterilisation.
16. She will ensure the cold chain requirements for preservation of vaccine.
17. Provide treatment for minor ailments, provide first aid in case of emergencies and refer cases beyond her competency to Primary Health Centre or nearest hospital.
18. Notify notifiable diseases, which she comes across during her visits to Male Multi purpose Health Worker and the Medical Officer, Primary Health Centre.
19. Record and report births and deaths occurring in her area to the local Births and Deaths Registrar and to he supervisors.
20. Test Urine for a albumen and sugar and Hemoglobin test during her home visits to the pregnant mothers.
21. Identify the case that require help for medical termination of pregnancy, provide information on the availability of ser ices and refer them to the nearest approved institutions.
1. Arrange and help medical Officer and Health Supervisor (Female) in conducting MCH, and Family Planning Clinics at the Sub-Centres.
2. Educate mothers individually and in groups in better family health including MCH, and Family Planning Nutrition. Immunisation, Hygiene and Minor ailments.
1. She will identify women leaders and help the Health Supervisor (Female) and participate in the training of Women.
2. Set up women Depot holders for Nirodh distribution and help the Health Supervisor (Female) in training them.
3. Participate in Women Welfare meetings and utilize such gatherings for educating the women family welfare programme.
4. Utilise satisfied customers, Village leaders, Dais and others for promoting Health, Nutrition, Family Welfare Programme.
5. She will attend to treatment to treatment of minor ailments and render immediate first aid as per the standing instructions issued form time to time.
6. She will arrange for Oral Rehydration in the case of diarrhoea cases.
1. She will maintain the cleanliness of the labour wards in Sub-Centres.
2. Attend staff meeting at Primary Health Centre.
3. List Dais in her area and involve them in promotion of SAFE DELIVERY and Family Welfare practices.
4. Help the Health Supervisor (Female) in the training programme of Dais.
5. Co-ordinate her activities with Health Workers (Male) in campaign activities.
6. Prepare and maintain all registers and records and maps, charts for her area in the Sub Centres and submit the prescribed periodical reports in time to the supervisors as per standing orders or instructions.
7. She will sign in the wall chart in the houses on the day of her visit after enquiry and verification and treatment and enter the work done in the wall chart.
8. She will maintain an inventory of all the equipment instructions furniture and other articles required for maternity and child Welfare work in each sub Centre and check the inventory at the specified period.
Any other duties assigned by her supervisors and officers delegated by Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine in regard to public Health from time to time.