1. He will be responsible for keeping dispensary / pharmacy in a neat and tidy manner.
2. He will prepare and display the list of drugs issuable from the dispensary.
3. He will arrange and store the drugs. Medicines etc. according to the schedule prescribed under the statutory acts.
4. He will prepare and dispense mixtures. Ointments, powders, lotions, pills, emulsions.. draughts and drops. aromatic waters, decoctions. Infusion. alignments etc. as per L.P / E.P. and according to the hospital formulary.
5. He will ensure that at no time drugs issuable from dispensary / pharmacy is out of stock. He will ensure that issue counters are sufficiently stocked with drugs in an orderly manner stock of emergency drugs should also be maintained.
6. He will not dispense any drug without prescription of the Medical Officer. He will not dispense any illegal prescription.
7. He will in the temporary absence of the medic al officer. Render first and for the immediate relief of a patient or he may repeat medicines, which have been already prescribed by the medical officer. He should on no account prescribed medicine for patients on his own.
8. He will issue drugs to patients only on the basis of drug cards / slips and he will put his initial in the drug cards / slips and preserve them for producing them to audit who required. He will be held responsible for any lapse in this regard.
9. He will not dispense more than three days requirement of drugs at a time from the O.P Department special instructions form the Medical Officer.
10. He will ensure that drugs are utilized before their expiry date. He will not dispense expired drugs. He will take immediate action to weed out time expired drugs systematically as per rules.
11. He will be responsible for indenting, procurement and proper storage and maintenance of stock books and accounting of medical suppliers and appliances.
12. He will attend clerical work wherever sanctioned posts of ministerial staff do not exist.
13. He will assists the duty Medical Officer while conducting post mortem in non-teaching hospitals in mofusil areas.
14. He will maintain daily consolidated Register, Issue Register, Date expiry Register, condemnation Register, Medical Instrument and appliances Registers, complaint Registers, etc.
15. He will issue drugs to the wards under the super-vision of the chief pharmacist and medical store Officer, wherever such posts are available and submit accounts for verification.
16. He will obtain the signature of the authorized Medical Officer daily in the relevant register maintained by him and obtain a certificate as shown below:
“ Certificate that the drugs / medicine noted in the register and issued to the patients attended the O.P. Department of………………Review of ……………………….”
17. He will prevent pilferage and waste of drugs and avoid audit objections.
18. He will prepare daily abstract of drugs consumption with cost and obtain the signature of the authorized Medical Officer.
19. He will maintain main stock and sub-stock Register. T.K. Card and ARV card Registers, etc. Wherever necessary.
20. He will maintain emergency Kits, and ensure that life saving drugs like sera vaccines Anti snake venom etc, are readily available round the clock and kept under proper storage.
21. He will maintain cold chain equipment, temperature charts etc., wherever necessary so as to avoid potency loss in medicines.
22. He will assist the medical Officer, in local purchase (wherever there exists only one post of Pharmacist and also in primary Health Centers).
23. He will participate in the review meetings to assist the Medical Officer in the proper distribution of drugs and vaccines in primary Health centers.
24. He will see that the Norcotics and Brbiturates are kept under lock and key.
25. He will perform such other duties and allied work entrusted to him by the medical Officer.