The village Health and Nutrition Day (VHND) is to be organized once in every month on a fixed day (such as second Friday etc...). The day can be decided by the VHWSC in each Village at anyone of the Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) in that village. preferably, all the AWCs should be covered by rotation.
On the appointed day, AWW and other VHWSC members will mobilize the villagers, especially the women and children to assemble at the nearest Anganwadi centre.
Clinical session will be conducted in the forenoon by the VHN and discussion/education activities will be conducted in the afternoon.
VHNDs will also be used to compare and correlate data monthly between the Anganwadi centre and the VHN.
Services to be provided during VHNDs
- All pregnant women are to be registered on that day if they have not been previously registered.
- Ensure all registered pregnant women are given ANC.
- Dropout pregnant women for ANC are traced and services provided
- Ensure Registration of all newborns
- Ensure all eligible children below one year are given vaccine against six vaccine preventable diseases.
- All drop out children who have not received vaccines as per schedule are to be vaccinated in the presence of mobile medical unit in the remote villages visited by Mobile Medical Unit. In other areas the unimmunized children are to be motivated to attend the catch up session at PHC.
- Vitamin A solution to be administered.
- Ensure all Children are weighed, weight plotted on card and managed appropriately for taking care of malnutrition.
- Ensure TB patients are taking drugs as per schedule and trace the defaulters and take necessary action.
- IUD insertion
- Ensure Depot holders have sufficient quantity of Condoms and Oral Contraceptives (OCPs)
- Supplementary nutrition advice to be provided to under weight children.
- Distribution of IFA tablets to AN mothers, adolescent girls and children.
lssues to be discussed with the Community during VHNDs:
- Danger signs during pregnancy.
- Importance of Institutional Delivery and identification of near by institution
to which emergency cases can be taken for delivery.
- Counselling on Essential Home based Newborn Care (ENBC)
- Importance of seeking Post Natal Care.
- Registration for Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) and Dr.Muthulakshmi Reddy
- Maternity Benefit Scheme.
- Counselling on better Nutrition
- Exclusive Breast Feeding (EBF)
- Weaning and Complementary feeding
- Care during Diarrhoea and home management
- Care during Acute Respiratory Infections
- Prevention of Malaria, TB and other communicable diseases
- Prevention of HIV / AIDS
- Prevention of STIs
- Importance of Safe drinking water
- Personal Hygiene
- House hold sanitation
- Education of children
- lssues against sex selection
- Age at marriage
- Information on RTI, STI, HIV and AIDS
- Disease Outbreak
- Disaster Management.
A monthly topic for discussion during VHND has to be decided by DPH or DDHS
every month and communicated to all.
Responsibilities of AWW for conduct of VHNDs
- Ensure that AWC is clean
- Ensure availability of clean drinking water during VHND
- Ensure a place with privacy at AWC for ANC/IUD insertion
- Keep adequate number of mother and Child Health (MCH) cards
Responsibilities of VHN for conduct of VHNDs
- Ensure that villages Health Day is held without fail, make alternate arrangements in case of on going leave
- Make arrangements for the mobile medical units to visit the remote villages to immunize dropout children during VHND
- Ensure all instruments, drugs and other materials are in place
- Carry required communication materials
Instruments / Equipments / Furniture needed to organize VHND
· Weighing Scale – Audit, Child
· Examination table
· Bed screen / Curtain
· Haemoglobinometers, Kits for urine examination
· Gloves
· Slides
· Stethoscope and Blood Pressure Instrument
· Measuring tape
· Foetoscope